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Warehousing & Logistics Optimization

Fulfill Demand. Reduce Costs. Improve EBITDA, Service & Delivery


Warehouse and Logistics Optimization Approach

SGS Maine Pointe’s hands on, accelerated approach is pragmatic, measurable and focused on transforming a client’s warehousing and logistics operations for competitive advantage.

Our approach integrates and optimizes the flow of information, handling of materials, production, packaging, inventory control, warehousing, transportation and fulfillment.

SGS Maine Pointe’s approach helps senior executives reduce warehouse waste, returns and operating costs while improving customer service and labor by leveraging subject matter expertise and digital solutions that optimize space, routes, resources, and accuracy.

Our smart approach to warehouse and logistics optimization is integrated into our end-to-end supply chain and operations transformation approach called Total Value Optimization™.

woman in warehouse


  • Enhance visibility to drive actionable insights
  • Optimize labor utilization and operating costs
  • Improve inventory accuracy with cycle counting methods
  • Reduce wasted warehouse space/create capacity
  • Optimize transportation routes, planning, scheduling and last mile delivery
  • Improve customer service through on time in full (OTIF)
  • Reduce returns
  • Eliminate silos and drive cross-functional alignment
  • Drive measurable improvements in cost, cash, resilience and growth ​

What Our Clients Say

Rail Optimization White Paper  

This white paper, based on initial primary research conducted by Michigan State University (MSU) and SGS Maine Pointe, discusses current carrier, shipper and investor stakeholder perspectives.

It covers:

  • The imperative for change in the rail and transportation industry
  • The current state of integrated supply chains involving movement by rail
  • How key stakeholders can create value by collaborating to drive win-win-win scenarios
  • How a new partnership approach between a shipper CEO and a carrier CEO created a win-win scenario that helped grow the shipper's business from $1.8 billion to $4 billion in two years
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Warehousing & Logistics Success Stories

Driving measurable and sustainable change


Driving service improvements and savings in a hyper inflationary duopoly market.

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Driving down total delivery costs while enhancing the customer experience increases EBITDA by 23%

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"SGS Maine Pointe's industry and subject matter experts conducted an analysis which identified significant savings potential across the workstreams. 

I am very pleased to report that at the conclusion of our 28-week engagement we achieved savings at the high end of the targeted range while also dramatically enhancing the customer experience."

Dawn Phillipson, CFO, Arhaus

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