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Rapidly address your supply
chain and operations challenges

Maine Pointe is a global supply chain and operations consulting firm that is trusted by chief executives and private equity firms to deliver sustainable, significant value and compelling economic returns for their businesses.

We drive accelerated, measurable improvement in EBITDA, cash, resilience and growth

Our Philosophy & Approach

Measurable supply chain & operations improvement

TVO Pyramid-Feb-2022

We are passionate about driving accelerated, measurable improvement across the plan-buy-make-move-fulfill supply chain to deliver the greatest ethical value to customers and investors at the lowest cost and risk to business through Total Value Optimization™(TVO).

How we work with you

How we work with you

Maine Pointe delivers compelling results

Our rapid insights and analysis approach provides:

  • Detailed studies and proof-of-claim to demonstrate a benefits range
  • Jointly developed implementation roadmap defining activities, methodologies, timelines and resources
  • Financial business case of benefits timing and investment

We work shoulder-to-shoulder with you and your teams to:

  • Implement an accelerated and measurable improvement journey that delivers EBITDA, cash, resilience and growth underpinned by a unique guarantee
  • Align leader and operational teams with strategic goals, enhancing internal and external teams/processes and behaviors to deliver sustainable improvements

Post engagement we can work with you to continually drive value enhancement through:

  • Periodically reviewing performance and running training programs
  • Reviewing your Supply Chain Control Tower for ongoing visibility and control
  • Carrying out testing, inspection & certification programs to ensure supply chain resilience and compliance

Our Expertise

Deep supply chain & operations capability and experience

Benefits & Track Record

10% to 20%

EBITDA growth

40% to 100%

Improvement in near-term cash

4:1 to 8:1

ROI in year one

20+ Years


$4+ Billion

In value creation delivered


Unique 100% fee-based guarantee

What Our Clients Say

Experience the difference

Improving Cost, Cash, Resilience & Growth

The engagement generated significant measurable results, including transformational change, forward looking KPIs to predict the business, margin improvement, and value to customers and shareholders.

Brad Feldmann, CEO, Cubic

View More Testimonials ➔

Talk to us

Have a particular business challenge you'd like to address?
Submit this contact form to speak with one of our executives.