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Our Expertise

Maine Pointe works shoulder-to-shoulder with you to unlock insights, and accelerate and implement measurable change

Supply Chain & Operations Transformation

Total Value Optimization PyramidTM

TVO Pyramid

We are known for helping clients break through functional silos and drive measurable improvements in EBITDA, cash, resilience and growth across the end-to-end supply chain and operations.

  1. We assess where you are today.

  2. Build a pragmatic ROI-driven improvement plan.

  3. Implement measurable sustainable change.

Sustainable Change

Our flexible onsite/offsite global delivery model delivers compelling economic returns to our clients by reducing risk and accelerating performance improvements in EBITDA, cash flow and growth and reducing risk through:

  • Operations excellence
  • Strategic procurement
  • Logistics
  • Data analytics
  • Leader & organization improvement

We achieve this by implementing a uniquely integrated approach from analysis, leadership and organizational alignment through implementation and sustainability. Our goal for clients is to help them implement a synchronized plan-buy-make-move-fulfill supply chain through our unique and accelerated approach called Total Value Optimization (TVO).

We typically engage with executives and their teams across procurement, operational, and logistics functions to drive out inefficiencies for enhanced customer and shareholder value. By embedding our Leadership and Organizational Improvement methodology within our implementation projects, we drive immediate impact and accelerate sustainable operational change.

onsite consultant

Your Industry

Senior industry subject matter experts work alongside our practice experts to deliver EBITDA, cash, resilience and growth improvement initiatives in months, and sustain them for years.

What Our Clients Say

Experience the difference

Improving Cost, Cash, Resilience & Growth

After applying TVO across three corporations, both public and private equity owned, we generated $290M in EBITDA, $310M in cash and growth through improved customer responsiveness. Every company and CEO should consider implementing TVO.

Jim Voss, CEO, Vectra

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